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What is different about a Montessori classroom?

Anna Johnson

The difference in one word would be the word "Prepared"

Maybe you didn't know but in the public schools in our area a classroom is given to teachers bare, sometimes with little furniture even. One of our teachers recounted how her room was devoid of furniture, decorations, anything of comfort, didn't have a window and didn't even come with simple supplies like paper or pencils.

The Montessori environment is a prepared environment. Teacher's don't have to come in during the summer on their own dime and decorate the classroom, everything is provided for them in line with the extensive list of required Montessori materials along with the beautiful room set up.

We believe students need better than they have been given in the past. They deserve a beautiful space that is created with their specifici developmental needs in mind.

“To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely.”

Maria Montessori 

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