The Conservatory of Worship Arts

What we believe
What does it mean to be a Christian school?
We believe it means relationship over religion. Following the example of Jesus (the definition of being a Christian) we can see that we are called to love, called to be a friend to all, and called to live life with those around us regardless of their beliefs while we share with them the hope and freedom we have through a relationship with the Lord.
John 15:13 says "“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."​
What we believe about God
There is only one true God, who is the creator and redeemer of all that exists or will ever exist.
God is in three persons - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He is perfectly holy, just, loving and truthful.
We learn about God and His character through the Bible which is the inspired, authoritative, and perfect Word of God.
Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin and lived a perfect life, died on a cross to pay for our sins, was buried for three days until He rose again breaking the chains of sin and death that entrapped humankind.
Holy Spirit is given to all those who put their faith in Jesus Christ and is the giver of spiritual gifts, which are uniquely given. He empowers us to use those gifts to show His kingdom and extend his love to the world.
What we believe about worship
Worship, or showing the worth of something, is an innate expression. We all worship something whether it be sports, hobbies, people, or God.
We believe that turning our focus on God and showing His value is the highest form of worship and is what we were created for.
Worship does not take one form. It is not just singing or playing an instrument. Worship is any expression of the value of the Lord and, thus, can be nurtured through music, dance, art, learning, and other avenues.
What we believe about ourselves
We were created in the image of God, to know and enjoy a relationship Him.
Those who put their faith in Jesus Christ are fellow heirs to the inheritance that God has given Jesus.
We have authority in the spiritual world over sin and darkness because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
We have been created with a purpose which God has preordained for us and it is the responsibility of those in authority, mainly parents to call that out of our children.
Our Mission & Vision
Preparing the next generation of leaders to influence the arts, living in concert with Christ
Preparing the hearts, minds and families within the school starts by having a prepared environment.
Leaders are defined not by who is in charge but by who is willing to serve those around them. We will train each student to lead by seeking to elevate other people above themselves.
Influencing the arts begins by knowing your intrinsic creativity and tapping into it with a unique expression, as you seek to not only perform but prepare this creativity to share with those inside and outside the school.
We give grace to those around us, regardless of their belief system, culture, race or socio-economic status, in a daily demonstration of the grace that God has given us as we live in Christ. We will build community with each other as we seek to understand Biblical truth and how to love each other as Christ loved us - sacrificially.

Non-Discrimination Policy
We value diversity among our students. We do not discriminate in our enrollment policies on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin.